To give everyone access to technology and provide equal opportunity to succeed in the digital world, we focus on tackling these 3 key challenges.

Games for learning

Jobs of the future will require a solid foundation of digital literacy. Knowledge of coding is at the core of being successful in the digital economy. While not every kid enjoys coding, most kids do love video games. We leverage their engagement in video games to teach kids how to code.

Device access

Owning a desktop or a laptop is out of reach for many families, preventing them from participating in the digital economy. Access to affordable technology is crucial, and while donations make a difference, we believe financing can solve the problem when donations or direct purchases cannot scale.

Offline Internet

When it comes to solving the internet connectivity challenge, we believe that storage is a cost-effective alternative to bandwidth. We create and invest in affordable devices and infrastructure that let people access content offline.

Global Health

We cannot solve persisting global health challenges without investments in modernizing and digitizing primary healthcare systems. We leverage digital health, low-cost diagnostics and AI to strengthen health systems, empower local communities and individuals, deliver quality outcomes and experiences, and foster holistic well-being.


The whole world, empowered.

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